One of the most in demand business speakers, Dr. Robert Kriegel teaches bold, innovative, aa???out of the boxaa??? strategies for keeping ahead of the changes, challenges and competition in todayaa???s dynamic marketplace.
Author of the international bestseller: If it ainaa???t broke...BREAK IT!, Dr. Kriegel has been called by U.S. News & World Report one of this countryaa???s leading authorities in the field of change and human performance. His book, Sacred Cows Make The Best Burgers, made Business Weekaa???s bestseller list. His latest book about innovation and aa???out of the boxaa??? thinking is How to Succeed in Business Without Working so Damn Hard. |
Kriegel has been a commentator on National Public Radioaa???s Marketplace program, did two specials for PBS, and appeared on Oprah and Donny Deutschaa???s, The Big Idea.
An all American athlete and pioneer in the field of sports psychology, Kriegel who has coached both Olympic and pro athletes,Rolex Replica Watches was a co-founder of one of the first institutes of sports psychology in the country. The New York Times said his work aa???spurred a revolution in performance practices.aa??? He is the co-author of the New York Times bestseller, Inner Skiing and has done color commentary for the US Pro Ski Tour on ESPN. |
Bob has taught at Stanford Universityaa???s Executive Management Program and is a former advertising executive for Young and Rubicam in New York where he managed major accounts such as Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, and Travelers Insurance. He was also a member of the California Governoraa???s Council on Health Wellness and Physical Fitness. |
Dr. Kriegelaa???s customized speeches and programs will entertain you, inform you, and inspire you. He will teach you how to develop and lead Change-Ready?? people and organizations. You will learn how to round up aa???sacred cowsaa??? that cost money and inhibit change and new opportunities. He also outlines strategies for gaining the competitive edge by not competing but changing the game, leading customers not following them and rethinking rules, redefining roles and reinventing the game. |
If you are comparing motivational speakers, take a look at a few of the companies who have chosen Robert Kriegel as their keynote speaker. A keynote speaker with extensive experience offers you the security of knowing you are choosing a motivational speaker who knows the game and can inspire your team to peak performance. |
Kriegel BIO |
Kriegel BIO with intro |
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Audio Visual Requirements
Dr. Kriegel will need a wireless lavaliere microphone and for larger groups (500+), he would prefer a headset if possible. He would also like to have a lectern or table at the side of the stage or riser. |